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Ebony Taylor Starr Sucks Gloryhole Cock
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if this bootylicious,, beautiful, &/or cute black sista likes, or loves white meat of the white-boys so much as in their dicks, or pricks then she herself should try that being of my sex-starved, &, but then yet pussy-hungry black mixed-breed puerto-rican, & indian prick of the average 7 inches out for size sometime, & regardless of whether, or not I myself can, or could possibly become like one of those male rapist prick s.o.b. bastard characters, & especially like one of those male sexual-predator animal-monster character white-boys in the future
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ooey, if I were to possibly become, or be a rapist prick s.o.b. bastard character, & could possibly be able to meet up with her then from there she herself would be in some, or such rather serious trouble with me being that because before you know it she herself would be upon the ground, & with me on top of her going for some, or such fir-ball of her's giving it a serious pounding, & especially if I myself were to be a white-boy of a rapist prick s.o.b. bastard character
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damn my sweet, & sexy, meaty, juicy, & hairy shapely black sista, but then you yourself almost make me wish that I had literally, or actually sexually-assaulted, or raped some, or such born, & raised female persons of women back in the day when I myself almost had, or had come so close to practically if not having possibly sexually-assaulted, or raped a couple, or a few women something like for a time-frame-period of a couple, or a few decades ago, & whereas I had scoped, & stalked, & then was about to attempt to physically sexually-assault, or rape them as I had come at them in the most effective way being of which the average, or the majority of male rapist prick s.o.b. bastards of characters come at their female, or women sexual-assault, or rape victims of prey being of the targets of their attention/s from behind, or in back of them, but then I had chickened out at that being of the last moment, or minute, & whereas I myself was just inches away from them before I myself had just simply ran off like a mutt caught out in the rain with it's tail between it's legs, &, but then fortunately for me I myself hadn't, or didn't carry out the attacks, or the assaults upon those female persons of women as I don't think that my female, or woman p.o., or probation-officer, & neither, or nor would my female, or woman shrink would have liked to see that being of any sexual-assault, or rape conviction/s upon that being of my criminal record as that is not so easily expunged like some, or such other crimes, or criminal offenses
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excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, & as I play part of the-devil's-advocate, &/or likewise as that being of a prodigal-son, but then ebony taylor I myself want to pretend like as if I am sexually-assaulting, or raping you if ever the both of us two were to possibly get together, but then nevertheless only if you yourself agree to it to let me pretend like as if I myself am doing so as you yourself could possibly give me that being of the permission, or consent to pretend to do just that in an intimate, sensual, or sexual physical kind of way, & especially doggy-style, &/or spread-eagle-style with some, or such rubbers in play, & with that being of my sex-starved, &/or, but then yet p-_-ssy-hungry pr-_-ck being of the average 7 inches as a black mixed-breed puerto-rican, & indian male representing the opposite sex, & you know like say, or how you say like practically if not possibly like 'whitey-massa' had snatched the pantys from as in had literally, or actually sexually-assaulted, or raped 'kizzy-kunte' in real life being of that one particular rapist prick s.o.b. bastard white-boy that had got the pussy from that black sista of a woman by force as he himself didn't, or hadn't given her any kind of say in the matter as that is what rapist do being of which is to take without asking, & as that one 'roots' movie-flick scene was all a part of the series television production based upon that being of the novel that had chronicled the real, true history of the, or a chronicled history of a black family lineage from it's ancestors down to it's descendants, but then of course that being of our mock roles of me playing that being of the part of your attacker, or rapist, & you playing that being of the part of my supposed, or so-called, or mocked, or pretentious sexual-assault, or rape victim of a female person of a woman would be upon a mutual, conscientious agreement quite naturally for that being of some, or such physical sexual-intercourse
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